Entrepreneurial and Market Updates

Can The Black Market Be Stopped?

The black market thrives, edible prices won’t budge, and Congress introduces a new bud bill.

2 min read

Welcome to Green Entrepreneur’s video recap of the cannabis news you might have missed this week, hosted by our cannabis correspondent, Conrad Martin.

The Black Market is still popping in Canada

At the end of 2018, Canada legalized Cannabis, and contrary to early predictions – the black market is still thriving. According to an Ipsos poll, 35% of Canadians are still buying from their dealers. And for $3 dollars less per gram according to statistics Canada.

Related: 11 Facts Cannabis Entrepreneurs Should Know About the Black Market

Weed costs less, but edibles remain the same price

Dispensary sales tracker BDS analytics is reporting that while the cost of weed has gone down, the cost of edibles has remained the same. Why? Some experts cite the complexity of creating infused products, while others cite the steady cost of hash oil. 

Related: 5 Things You Need to Know About Edibles

A new cannabis bill is introduced by the Congressional Cannabis Caucus

Congressman Earl Bluemenauer introduced bill HR.420 this week. The aptly named, Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol act aims to do just that – legalize cannabis federally while maintaining regulatory standards. 

Related: Congressional Cannabis Caucus Unites to Protect Marijuana Industry

Be sure to keep up with all things cannabiz by checking out the newly launched GreenEntrepreneur.com

If you missed the last episode, check it out here: The Dallas Cannabis Club??

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