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How to Find an Accountability Partner W…

With someone in your corner to offer support and provide tough love, your aspirations will seem more achievable.

2 min read

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An accountability partner can help you get more done, they can offer the support you need to keep focused on a particularly difficult goal. In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Jack Canfield explains a few strategies for finding an ideal accountability partner.

  1. Do not pick your romantic partner or spouse to be your accountability partner. Your partner may be too close to you to effectively keep you accountable, or too invested to clearly point out your next steps. Someone with more distance can address your shortcomings and help you re-focus on your priorities without feeling guilty about straining the relationship.
  2. Find another person who is actively pursuing their goals. In this way, you can both inspire each other to stay concentrated on your pursuits. 
  3. Find someone who will give you tough love. Unlike people who will accept any excuse you may give them, these love individuals will encourage you to keep pushing forward no matter what

Click play to hear more from Jack Canfield about finding an accountability partner.

Related: 5 Powerful Methods to Declutter Your Life

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