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People With Purpose Are 70 Percent More…

Check out the results of Ben Angel’s 1,000-person survey about goals and purpose.

2 min read

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In a survey of 1,000 entrepreneurs that Entrepreneur Network partner Ben Angel conducted, he uncovered that people with a strong sense of purpose achieved their goals 70 percent of the time more often than those who didn’t.

In the second season of 60 Seconds to Unstoppable, Angel shares why this is and why people with purpose are 31 percent less likely to be afraid of failing, 23 percent less likely to doubt themselves and 23 percent less likely to procrastinate. 

Want to become unstoppable in business and in life? Take this 60-second quiz now to find out what’s really holding you back, and be sure to grab a copy of Angel’s new book, Unstoppable, today.

Related: Why Excuses Are Sometimes Misdiagnosed as a Lack of Willpower When They Shouldn’t Be

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