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Set Clear Financial Goals by Making Unb…

To accomplish your goals, you have to establish clear milestones.

2 min read

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In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Phil Town says that financial goals can also be problematic. At times, making a promise is better; form goals around solid promises. 

Town stresses that making a goal that involves “making X amount of dollars in X amount of time.” Town sets some clear methods to set goals, including setting a definite budget. Town points out that if you have less money to work with, most likely you will — out of necessity — stay within your budget. 

Many entrepreneurs, Phil Town points out, also consider goal-setting an integral part of their success. The financial pro shares that in order to achieve something specific, you have to be specific about what you want to achieve. Town shares that he reviews his goals each day, taking care to review what he hopes to achieve on a daily basis as well as long-term.

Click on the vide to hear more from Phil Town.

Related: How to Figure Out Which Stocks Fit Your Portfolio

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