Tag: Business

  • How to Integrate Chatbots Into Your Conver

    How to Integrate Chatbots Into Your Conver

    Adding a chatbot to your website to guide shoppers through the buyer’s journey is actually not difficult. February 1, 2019 6 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Have you landed on a website lately and been greeted by a little box popping up in the corner to say “Hello”? You probably…

  • How to Integrate Chatbots Into Your Conver

    How to Integrate Chatbots Into Your Conver

    Adding a chatbot to your website to guide shoppers through the buyer’s journey is actually not difficult. February 1, 2019 6 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Have you landed on a website lately and been greeted by a little box popping up in the corner to say “Hello”? You probably…

  • These Are the Next 6 Books You Should Read

    These Are the Next 6 Books You Should Read

    The people who have accomplished what you are working toward have written books to help you get there. February 3, 2019 4 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Reading is one of the most valuable activities for anyone, but especially for entrepreneurs who are breaking into new verticals that few have…

  • Weak Amazon Outlook Sinks the Market

    Weak Amazon Outlook Sinks the Market

    The FAANG stocks giveth and they taketh away. February 1, 2019 3 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Yesterday, great earnings from Facebook lifted the entire technology sector. Today, a cautious outlook from Amazon.com deflated it. The online retailing/cloud computing/video streaming/grocery distribution giant handily beat estimates for the fourth quarter but…

  • Study Suggests Facebook Users Are Happier

    Study Suggests Facebook Users Are Happier

    They also find themselves using it less when they come back. February 1, 2019 2 min read This story originally appeared on Engadget You’ve no doubt heard anecdotal evidence of Facebook users feeling better after they’ve quit the social network, but how often does that help, really? A fair amount, according to researchers. A study (PDF) from…

  • 20 Business Ideas for Stay-at-Home Parents

    20 Business Ideas for Stay-at-Home Parents

    Herb farms are one of the fastest-growing industries. Medicinal herbs, herbal teas, culinary herbs, and herbs for candles and aromatherapy are just the tip of the iceberg. A solid working knowledge of growing herbs is essential. Flowers used to scent potpourri, soap, candles and fragrant concoctions require just a few square feet of growing space.…

  • How You Can Make Podcasts Your Secret Weap

    How You Can Make Podcasts Your Secret Weap

    Podcasts have emerged as a serious marketing tool. What are you doing to take advantage? January 31, 2019 7 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. In recent years, podcasts have emerged as one of the best informational and marketing resources for entrepreneurs. These audio platforms are a treasure trove of knowledge and…

  • How the Subscription Model Upended (and He

    How the Subscription Model Upended (and He

    The Bulu Box founders talk about the need to pivot their business. January 29, 2019 1 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Paul Jarrett grew up in a trailer park in Lincoln, Nebraska. By the third grade, he was selling novelty items to classmates. He met his wife, Stephanie, in college, and…

  • Entrepreneurs Can Have a Direct Impact on

    Entrepreneurs Can Have a Direct Impact on

    Three researchers have illustrated how ‘market-creating innovations’ can solve failing economies and hunger worldwide. January 25, 2019 9 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. According to data from the World Bank, between 1990 and 2018, the rate of extreme poverty worldwide dropped from 36 percent to approximately 9 percent. That drop…

  • Stocks Rise as the Government Shutdown (Te

    Stocks Rise as the Government Shutdown (Te

    The government shutdown wasn’t exactly holding the stock market back, but a temporary deal to end it didn’t hurt. January 25, 2019 3 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The S&P 500 index, up more than ten percent since the shutdown began on Dec. 22, rose 0.85 percent today, though much…