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The Courage to Raise an Entrepreneur

Speaker, author and businesswoman Loren Lahav shares her insights on raising children with an entrepreneurial spirit.

1 min read

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Loren Lahav is a coach, , international speaker and of Life Tuneups. Lahav talks with #ThePlaybook host David Meltzer about her , authenticity and

Lahav talks about her mother, who taught her the importance of hard work and “earnership.” She discusses how the is improving for women, citing the cultural shift from woman-on-woman and to collaboration.

Lahav discusses authenticity as a way to stay centered and grounded and to benefit from “pull” — that opportunities are likelier to materialize when you don’t push too hard for them.

Lahav and Meltzer talk about the value of and recommend both offering and asking for help. Similarly, they discuss parenting and prioritizing teaching boundaries and leading by example.

Related: Never Take Rejection Personally

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